Three teenagers embark on a quest, in search of hidden treasures. Journeying through the dark and enchanted forest of Alagirani, they must outwit Emani Obochi – the obsessed treasure hunter, after stealing his treasure map. With the treacherous hunter on their heels, everything spirals out of control as they encounter the vengeful spirit of Duke Clayton, who lures them into another hunt, in order to atone for a sacrilege committed over 200 years ago.
This tumultuous tale unfolds at a furious rate with a mix of humour, anxiety, power-play and suspense, as the youngsters are teleported and trapped in the 18th century ancestral homeland of the Nubians. Will the teenagers overcome the intrigues of a world that threatens their existence and the future? Will they discover the treasures they sought out for? Enjoy this intriguing story of love, youthful bravery and the consequences of a greater pursuit.
Return To Ages is a Heroic-Fantasy novel written for young Adults.
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